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In: treatment


Benefits of Outpatient Treatment for Addiction

Within recovery for substance use, including cocaine treatment, heroin treatment, withdrawal treatment and alcohol addiction recovery, there are various options. There...


Building a Support Network in Recovery During COVID-19

One of the most important aspects of drug or alcohol addiction recovery is building a strong support network. Having people in...


What Is Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Can It Help Me?

For some, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is still controversial. Many cling to an old belief that MAT is a replacement drug for...


Can Voluntary Treatment for Alcohol Addiction Help Me in Court?

Very few things in life are more sobering than seeing the lights in your mirror and hearing the siren behind you...


Why Stigma About Addiction Is Harmful

At some point in our lives, people have witnessed stigma about addiction. On television, in the movies, in the media, on...