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By: New Life Staff

sleep in recovery

The Importance of Good Sleep in Addiction Recovery

When life is busy and stress is prevalent, getting good sleep can be difficult. Yet waking up feeling rested and replenished...


Anxiety Is More Than a Buzzword

All too often, people mention anxiety as if it is some kind of a buzzword. However, true anxiety disorders are far...

ADHD and addiction

The Connection Between ADHD and Addiction

Within a substance use disorder (SUD) diagnosis, there are other diagnoses that are also commonly found. One of these diagnoses is...

relapse prevention

8 Addiction Relapse Prevention Techniques that Work

Once you have made it through your original treatment to learn how to beat addictions, the focus turns to prevent addiction...

inclusion in addiction recovery

Why Is Inclusion Important in Addiction Recovery?

There are far too many places in our society where race, gender, sexual orientation, social status, wealth or other criteria determine...


8 Ways to Set Boundaries in Addiction Recovery

One of the most important emotional skills to learn in addiction recovery is how to set boundaries. As you become more...

addiction treatment

What Does Addiction Treatment Look Like?

One of the barriers for people accessing treatment for substance misuse is fear of the unknown. What will happen in treatment?...

opioid overdose

Why Do Opioids Carry Such a High Risk of Overdose?

The opioid epidemic has become a major health crisis in the United States. What started for many as medication for severe...

working during treatment

Going to Work During & After Addiction Treatment

There are so many factors involved in going to work during or after addiction recovery treatment. What do you tell coworkers?...

treating co-occurring disorders

The Importance of Treating Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Together

When working to recover from a substance use disorder (SUD), such as chronic alcoholism, healing is only effective if you address...